RAM Training Summit Survey1a. Have you attended a RAM Training Summit before?(Required) Yes No 1b. If No, how did you hear about the RAM Training 2. Will you plan to attend another RAM Training Summit?(Required) Yes No Not Sure at this time 3. What did you like best about the RAM Training Summit? 4. What did you like the least? 5a. Would you be interested in presenting at the next RAM Training Summit (if Yes, please provide 5b. Topic-right & 7. Name, E-mail, & phone – below)??(Required) Yes No Not sure at this time 5b. If so, what is your topic or topic subject? 6. Suggestions/Comments:7a. Name, E-Mail, & Phone Not Required First Name Last Name 7b. Email 7c. PhoneThank you for your feedback,SRE HSV RAM Training Summit Planning Committee