SRE Bylaws Email Vote

To SRE Huntsville Chapter Members: 

1. This post is addressed to the SRE Huntsville Chapter Membership.  This email vote ballot is being sent to the SRE Huntsville Chapter membership to give each member an opportunity to vote on the proposed bylaws changes as recommended by our bylaws committee, and amendments of the bylaws, per chapter bylaws paragraph 11, require a majority vote of current members.  If you are not able to attend the monthly meeting on Tuesday, 10 March, you may cast your email vote via the process outlined below.     

2. Please email [email protected] and [email protected] with your email vote for the SRE Huntsville Chapter bylaws amendments.  The Secretary is the official vote tally officer. 

3. The SRE Bylaws document is online at (the last document in the list: “Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules Draft (3 FEB 2015)”) for your review.  The main changes are the additional proposed paragraphs 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, and the associated proposed mod to the Executive Board standing rule on the last page. 

4. The rules of this email vote are the same as at any official meeting.   

5. The deadline for your vote receipt is noon 9 March 2015. 

6.  Vote Format: 

APPROVE:     __________________ 

DISAPPROVE:  __________________ 

MEMBER NAME:  __________________________________________ 


Mary Ann Brothers, President
SRE Huntsville Chapter

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